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Tamanu Oil is made from the nut kernels of the Tamanu Tree. Its scientific name is

Calophylium Inophyllum - an evergreen tree and a member of the Mangosteen Family.


This tree is indigeous to the tropical areas of the South East Asia but it especially flourishes in tropical countries such as the exotic Melanesian Islands of Vanuatu.

The different islands of Vanuatu are coral islands and the Tamanu Tree flourishes well when the roots of the Tamanu Tree feed of the nutrients in the coral itself.


Small, sweet  smelling white flowers ( with a yellow centre ) are produced twice yearly.

These flowers then give way to clusters of fruit.These start out green but turn a yellowy colour as they mature.Inside this thin,fleshy fruit ( which is enedible ) is the Tamanu Nut.

The fruit is allowed to fall naturally from the tree and the pale coloured nut kernels are then laid out on racks to dry ( for 1 - 2 months ). During this process,these kurnels turn a brownish - red colour and release a strong,rich oil.The oil is then extracted by cold - pressing and filtation.It takes an awful lot of nuts to produce a small quantity of oil -in fact

it takes around four trees to produce approximately 20 Liters of Pure Tamanu Oil,depending on the size and yield of the tree.



Just look at some of the reported uses of this amazing South Pacific skin care product !

>Acne,acne scarring,pimples > Ulcers,boils,scrapes,sores and cuts > Skin blemishes and rashes> Dermaphytosis of the scalp or beard> General Itching> Burns,insect bites and stings>Psoriasis>Athletes foot> Foot odour /body odour>Chilblains,Fissures,Ring Worm>Infected wounds ,general swelling>Skin grafts and skin abrasions>Stretch Marks>General scarring >Sciatica and Rheumatism>Shingles,Sunburn>Dry or scaly skin>Diabetic sores Neuralgia>Eczema>Herpes sores>Nappy Rash >Ligament damage/ pain relief>Vaginitis>Age Spots.



Tamanu Oil has the unique capacity to stimulate the formation
of new skin tissue.


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LARGE 30ml BOTTLE $19.99



Tel: 0424 205327

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